Saturday, March 3, 2007

Brazilian Wax Worcester, Ma Food for Thought


There was a time when the ships that crossed the Mediterranean round trip from Cadiz to Istanbul, they stopped at ports in the islands. There, while the cargo unloaded their goods and were supplied with everything necessary to continue their journey, the crew repeated the same ritual. Were paid and ran to the tavern to spend every cent on wine and women. And when the money ran out, two or three days later, the sailors returned to the ship, saturated with alcohol and drunken sex or the opposite, to sleep until the freighter back to take to sea.

The fisherman told me that one day two sailors crossed the old wooden bridge built over the river, roadthe tavern. His ship came into port early this morning and most of his companions had gone ahead, hanging, literally, from transport trucks to be taken to the village.
Suddenly, the younger of the two friends looked over the railing toward the river shore.
- What are you doing? ...- Let him come here, "said another.
- Look ... Is not it beautiful?. The other looked down and saw a peasant woman who was washing clothes by the riverside. He thought she did not mean never use the word beautiful to describe, especially since, given his age, his habit and intention, any woman that appeared to be over twenty-five years was an old woman.
- Whose talking about? That
-.. The woman washing clothes. Do not you see?
"If I see it. But I do not understand what you see of beautiful. Look, in the tavern we expect dozens of women much younger, much prettier and, certainly, with much more desire to please her. Let's hurry.
"No," said the younger man, I have to talk to her ... Follow you, I'll see you at the tavern. That said, I started walking down the path leading to river.
-not delay too ... "Cried the other greeting from afar, and went on his way to the people, smiling, shaking his head from side to side shaking gesture that had happened.

The sailor went ashore and, in silence, sat on the grass, a few meters behindthe girl, afraid to just talk. The girl went on for over half an hour to work and then stood up, presumably to return to his house carrying a basket of clean clothes and
- May I help you? Asked the young, suggesting the gesture of bringing the basket.
- Why? "She said.
"Because I want," he said.
- Why? "She repeated.
"Because I like to walk around to your side," he said sincerely.
"You're not from here. We live in a very small town and here it is assumed that an unmarried woman can walk accompanied by a stranger.
-So ... let me carry the basket to meet and know me. For answer, she smiled and started walking toward the canblock.
- What's your name? Ventured to ask him, after ten minutes of walking.
-Nacar, "she said, without thinking whether or not to answer.
-Nacar ... "He repeated, then added," You are as beautiful as your name.

Three hours after the boy entered the tavern and looked for his friend among the sea of people and the cloud of thick smoke that filled the hovel. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw his friend gestured grandly from a corner asking you to approach. Two beautiful women hanging on his neck almost laughing with him, just as a result of alcohol at that point must be reaching as high blood concentrations of the three.
"If you get to take a little longer, I quEDAS without tasting the wine, "he said when he was close. And then, looking at one of the women who accompanied him, he added: Serve a little wine to my friend, please ...
"Listen ... "Said the young man, I need your help.
"Sure, man. I pay.
"I do not understand. I want to marry.
-Ah. Me too. Do you prefer the brunette or redhead? The youngest shook his friend gently to get his attention and get your mind could beat wine and pay attention.
-Shell intend to marry the girl we saw today from the bridge. And I need your help.
"I think you were too much time surfing," said his friend, realizing that the boy was serious. It is very common among rookies like you. After pasked the improvised sponsor.
"More than anything else," said the suitor.
Finally, the landlord appeared. The sponsoring group that came forward and said, parsimonious: "My friend has asked me to accompany him to ask his daughter in marriage.
-Ah ... Your friend is very lucky to pretend to marry one of my daughters. I guess you come to for Anna. She is truly a jewel Ășnica. "We ... Although little is eighteen, is already a woman, the man went on without listening to his interlocutor. We always knew it would be the first to leave us. It is not only beautiful, but also hardworking, sensual and very healthy. He was never sick ... As you will understand, will cost us much to let go with his friend, but I see that you are gspect to the price.
"Do not abuse your future father in law, dear friend. The small matter of his limp is a small matter. .. Can not get anything for that price in this island.
"Just for that," said the young man would take her as wife, but I pay for it the equivalent of twenty cows, and ask for the best of your daughters, not just six .- What?
- Are you crazy? "Said his friend trying to stop their stupidity. He said he'd give you six. Also lame. Why do you want to pay for it more than it's worth?
"Because I think she is worth less than his beautiful young sister.
-deal. Twenty cows, "she hastened to tell the father. He added, perhaps fearing a repentance: "But the wedding is as soon as ps, but stopped a strange procession that crossed the start up the hill. Dozens of men and women down to the people. Carried on the shoulders of a beautiful woman who constantly threw flower petals, sang and flattered. She, meanwhile seemed to radiate light: in fact, only passed him felt better. Smiling all the beautiful woman waving out his hand again and again to those who came to play. Had to resist the temptation to go after them and join the strange ritual, but finally came to the house where he had indicated. It all seemed so caring and ordered the sailor first thought that maybe I should start thinking about settling down. Knocked and opened his old comrade then
"Dear friend ... "I told him. What a surprise to see you here! When you cast anchor?
"This morning ... I've just come ashore to hear from you. How are you? "I'm glad ... And you ... wife? - Almost afraid to ask.
"Oh, how sad I feel that is not here. Today is his birthday and the townspeople came to seek to honor him, love her so much ... The treated like a saint. Having A cross you should go with them ...
-Ah ... yeah, right. How was I to know she was? Not even know you remarry.
- I remarry? What do you say? I still married to Pearl, the girl whose hand you asked for me.
- But do not say it is the woman who carried on a litter to the town? This
(I learned of this text by one of the groups where I am. This story belongs to the book "20 Steps Forward by Jorge Bucay and for all I know is already on sale on March 2.)

***** The story shorter and prettier than you read in your life :*****

There once was a girl asked a boy if he wanted to marry her. The boy said "no."

And the girl lived happily ever after without washing, cooking, ironing to anyone hanging out with friends, throwing himself that he pleased, spending their money on themselves and not working for anyone. FIN

The problem is that tiny, not telling us these stories. CHTMLX