Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lump On My Dog's Chest

ute, s sense will let you choose the game, otherwise, I would kill you right now. Do not think that I can not, you're wrong, I imagined thousands, millions of times that time. It would be a slow and painful death, as my days. Would you, me and your imperturbable gravity.

But if you prevent me, and while my legs still shaking, we could go together to Salvador de Bahia, or some other place sounding name: Tangier, Illinois, Ulan Bator.

Nothing would happen if I could spit in the face.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Poptropica The Tablet Of Gods IF SEARCH

year 67 Impala, license plate shifting to how one chooses to turn writer.
Black, sleek, gimmick, never taxi or remis.
been noted its utter absence in the episode 5x07.
The last time we saw it had the leather-wrapped steering wheel. And a few hamburger wrappers and empty beer bottles in the back seat.
Its trunk is more range that the range of an arms dealer and totally manic desquiziado. Apparently has no bottom.
you like to go with cute guys.
His owner misses him, does not sleep at night and cries of day.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Simplest Camera For Grandmother My doubt spn

I've spent my entire chapters and therein. I can not think of anything else ( lie, I think sammmyyyyyyyy ). Doubt me
The question is:
Los Angeles ....
because Castiel dale dale that the pilot blessed all made bag. If not dirty would be perfect, but it has all been bagged. Sucks. But the shirt is white, and we all know how difficult it is to maintain a white shirt collars and cuffs, especially if you stab or traveling around in a filthy chevy. Ok is the impala, is Dean's baby, but no longer a dirty chevy. Must be full of fat to the diet leads Dean ( another of my questions in the future, why not fattening Dean).

Monday, May 25, 2009

What's The Best Golf Gps System Good bye, words!

Uncertainty. Yesterday

his wise words pierced my mind, always inexhaustible. I still do not know anything, but I no longer haunts my innate clumsiness. Perhaps
should not talk so loud. My conflagration with words is leaving me a deep and indelible mark, hardly noticeable to many and daunting for some. I do not write for fear, and one day soon decide to stop talking.

When are only ideas, concepts, fickle, then I can not reproach me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

2009 Honda Pilot Front License Plate

Just do not expect it. More than a year ago I discovered the book series Twilight.
I started a little reluctantly because it is the style of book I normally read and both black and red on the cover gave me the wrong impression.

Like all ... I fell in love with Edward, I dreamed of Edward (still dream about him from time to time) and I'm still obsessed with that man's role.
Then came the film and total madness ... There, a little start reading, I can not remember which of the books was when I learned that the actor was Robert Edward wouldI was increasingly interested in the news as they emerged.

The film was completed and released. Robert had conquered me completely. It is charming as well as very pretty person. Really took hold of my heart to make me completely forget about my Edward. De hecho cuando leí Amanecer lo hice con la imagen de Rob en mi cabeza representando a Edward.

however, did not expect that one day "window" in the Blockbuster discovered on the cover of a DVD to my original Edward ... There he was, with her golden hair and messyr Twilight, but I can not stop thinking about my Edward and how he would have done if he had played on the big screen.
not even know if it's a good actor, I've seen some interviews and pictures of him on youtube and even his voice is perfect and yet serious when turns 20. And is British and has that wonderful accent that drives me crazy too ...

is my Edward ...

Alex Pettyfer is my Edward Cullen and I imagined his face to read Twilight yet unseen. &

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nubiles Online A Full

Yesterday I called my former classmates from high school after some 17 years approx (whew, both? We were graduated 1991) for me to share good times.
Then I made a mental image of the good times with them .... the useful scattered on the floor, pushing, laughter, jokes and ridiculous nicknames. I found a good time ... and I told him. And he said that could not be spiteful, it was just boys being boys (17-18 years) who could not have called me. (Sic)
I asked for those who remember me (I had a little blackout, so much trying to delete) and it seems that everyone is married with two or three children and some separated.
or better .... VOY
CON A CAKE STUFFED FOSFODON? (Laxative used for colonoscopy where I work) I admit
suggestions .... tb of possible revenge

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Deagle Airsoft Canada Journal of darkness

The lady at the top of illuminating the dark sky.
lights off. The veil of night and exhaustion numb my conscience and my body to fall into the realm of fantasy and illusion in a whirlpool where the unconscious and unreal arises.
was in my school years. I found myself sitting next to him, my first love, and my attitude towards him was still the same, distant and cold. I walked away from him and not paying attention, I do not know if it was nervousness or fear that engulfed me, as before, but he seemed upset by my attitude. Suddenly the bell rang out, students marched and looked like he kept his belongings in his backpack ready to go. Yo, you look at askance and said "I know you're upset about my cool attitude you put it is not so ...", suddenly and without thinking it grip the neck of his shirt and kissed as jamáz would've thought and he responded to the kiss, and then I felt again that sense of deja-vu came over me when I was with him and for a moment I thought something similar had happened out of this world.
Now I saw in a different way, silimar to that in my beloved faculty uap, walked with the full sense of freedom and happy inside, had put aside my calculated move against him and had acted with spontaneity showing my emotions, I felt so alive as when I went to the disk, so elated was walking toward the exit when I realized about myself, I was naked with only my shoulder bag. Shaming

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ap Lab 5 Corrected Difference

olver a case after having been suspended from duty).

fleeing cars are never the first out, but the cop cars. (They also staged a triumphant entrance in the middle of the scene of the crime.)

in a haunted house, women always investigate any strange noises wearing their most provocative lingerie.

In surveillance, the action only takes place when the cops are eating and are boiling coffee on the dashboard ...

Any purchase at a supermarket involves the acquisition of a bread barwill serve in a brown paper bag (Corollary: When paper bags break, only fruit will roll).

Cars never need fuel (unless being involved in a pursuit). If you look

outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts, your opponents will wait patiently to attack you one by one by dancing around you in a threatening manner until you've gotten rid of his predecessor.

As of lights a microphone attaches immediately.

Guns are like disposable razors. If you run out of bullets, throw it away. You'll find another. Tod
    ? "Hello?" Repeatedly.
  1. One man shooting at 20 people are more likely to kill them all than 20 men firing at once (also called Stallone's Law).
  2. When you turn out the light and go to bed, your whole room is lit, only a little Celadon.
  3. normalitos girls or just ugly can become movie stars simply remove his glasses and some hair grooming.
  4. Instead of wasting bullets, megalomaniacs prefer to kill their enemies with complicated devices with fuses, pulleys, deadly gases, lasers and sharks devorahombres.
  5. All bedssheets have special L-shaped cover up the arms of a woman but only waist to the man lying beside her.
  6. Anyone can land a 747 with the only requirement for someone to guide you from the control tower.
  7. A police investigation is always to visit a strip club at least once.
  8. can always find a chainsaw when you need it.
  9. Most musical instruments (especially wind instruments and accordions) can be played without moving your fingers.
  10. In the interior region of the USA, all employees of gas stations carry red handkerchiefs colgandor back pocket.
  11. All teenagers have parties present an individual from all subcultures (even people without any relacióny that would never be invited to these parties).
  12. Trucks use their horns at random (no, wait, that also happens in real life!
  13. sources: http://pudreteflanders.blogspot.com
  14. byessss!
  15. Zoy