Monday, December 27, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Portland Oregon

Serious - But I've finally shows a smile. And Ryan smiles back, Because He Sees What Needs to Gary Those Days smile - without playing, Without His captaincy, Without So Many Things. Some seconds after, Ryan ASKs.
"If you need-"
"-need to talk I am here." Finishes Gary Ryan's sentence. Gary nods and strokes Ryan's head.

"But I mean it" Ryan says, kisses him and Gary. Just one soft kiss, and leans back on the couch. "Okay then" Ryan says, cuddling on Gary's shoulder. "Ryan" Gary says. [info]   “What?” Ryan asks.  
“Thank you”.  

“You don't have to-”

  “Shut up” Gary says with harsh voice. Ryan looks at him worried, and he sees a smile on his face.



Michael Owen/Ryan Giggs -



“Wow, Ryan won!” Rio shouts sitting on the grass. All the ones “who are supposing” Michael explains. Ryan slightly blushes and Michael sees that. Ryan is not looking at his eyes any more – he's not even looking at him.


“Look-looking what?” Ryan asks.


“At you, of course” Michael says, with a confident smile. Ryan completely blushes and without getting completely naked he walks to the shower




O'Shea/OFC -



Johnny smiles at you when you both get into his flat. He's perfectou'll be hungry later” Frank promises.



Bojan/Leo -



Leo keeps looking at him, and Bojan starts to blush. He looks away, but Leo keeps looking at him. He moves, but Leo follows him with his eyes. Bojan ends up in a mood that he's about to shout at him, but he justs asks  



“Nothing” Leo answers.


“no, seriously, what?” Bojan asks agstop thinking about him, thinking about calling him, wondering about if you should ask him to come back.


But then you remember what he did, and you can't do it. You can't. You have to be happy with another man.


“You won't be able to be that happy with anyone else”, your conscience shouts at you. You shake your head fast. “It's the truth”, again. And you just want to cry, because you can't believe that you want to do that to yourself.


His friends have told you that he's fucked up, That they know that it wasn't what it seemed. That it's just a misunderstood. But you know what you saw, and you can't forgive that. You can not.

Then, you hear your door ring. You walk to the door slowly, and when to open you, anyone's there, But There's a bunch of flowers on the floor with a note. "I love you." And it has-been like this the whole week.

Ryan / Stevie -

They do not know why you keep calling to Each Other. It hasn't sense - and Both Of Them Know It. Need Them But The Other's Kisses, Both of Them the Other's tongue on Their skins. Stevie's way of sucking Ryan's cock, slowly and making Ryan moan and whine and beg like a kid, Stevie on His knees in front of Ryan looking at him innocently and sucking him - That contrast That kills Ryan. Ryan's way of doing it to Stevie, Fast and Powerful, Stevie Leaving Without breath, making Stevie move and pant like a whore.

Ryan's way of fucking Stevie, Stevie Ryan's sensation of HAVING inside him, and Sometimes I Being inside Ryan. I coming inside Ryan, or Ryan coming inside him.

Teeth, nails, lips, tongues, skins.

But it's not just that. It's Also a call in the middle of the night, When Stevie can not sleep. And Ryan answers the phone to half Slept, and I ASKs "what?" AndStevie just mutters "It's me", and Ryan listens all night long. It's Ryan with a free day and driving to Liverpool just to spend an afternoon with Stevie in the sofa watching movies, cuddling. Nothing else Than That.

It's putting a smile on the face Others. Putting warm inside the Other's heart. And They Do not Need words to define it, They Do not Need to talk about it. They just accept it.

Sheashy / Carrick -

O'Shea looks at him just Because He Knows That Carrick is playing with him, is teasing him. And it

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Office 2003 Vlk Version

So. ..

If You Were Asked to pick one scene, one line, one detail, one moment of Some Kind out of all the stories I've Written and say "This, this, for whatever reason, I remember, this is Something That struck home with me, That I wanted to keep, "What Would It Be?


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Honda Pilot And License Plate Bracket Issue [RPF / Football] Do you want it? (Neville / Messi)

Author: miss-black91
Fandom: RPF/Football
Title: Do you want it?
Characters Gary Neville/Leo Messi
Rating: NC-17 (for porn)
Notes: This is for Age-difference-kink party from [info] keys_in_a_pot  .
Beta:  [info] bleeding_dry  
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, all fantasy. :D


Gary opened the room's door and looked at Leo, to tell him just with his eyes to “get into the room”. Leo did it quickly — he just got into the room and looked around. A bed. A door to the bathroom. Condoms and lube on the night table. Everything was planned. While he was looking around, he was hearing how Gary was locking the room's door. Leo didn't move. And then he felt it. Gary's hands. On his waist. Just then Leo realized that it wasn't a game – or that maybe it was a dangerous game?-, that he was in a room with Gary Neville and condoms.


His heart and his blood were into a competition of beating and running, and his face was completely red. Gary noticed it and smirked, and Leo even heard a small smile.


Calm down... I will begentle, "Gary said. Leo Nodder, Trying to believe it. If He Was Like That, why did I accept to go? Why was I there? And why the idea of him fucking Gary Without Being gentle That Was So Damn ...? Whatever. Then I started to feel Gary's lips - Gary's Kisses - around His neck. Leo WAS panting from anticipation. Went on Gary's Kisses, And Then Leo Heard a "Take off your shoes, kid ...." and I did it Instantly. Gary smirk, and Leo Heard a chuckle. "Take off your t-shirt," Gary Said Then, and I stopped the kisses - But Gary's hands Were still on Leo's hips. Gary's voice dominating WAS, But Also suggestive. Asking for It wasn't Gary, Gary WAS ordering it, pero Leo loved the way Gary That WAS doing it. h his eyes closed. He felt how Gary's fingers were unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. Gary pushed down Leo's jeans, and they fell down to Leo's feet. Leo couldn't move. Gary pressed himself against Leo's skin, against Leo's pants. He looked at Leo, and he saw that the kid was harder than him.


Leo was breathing fast and hard, and Gary saw that Leo was about to touch himself. He took his wrist and growled – a growl mixed with a whisper - in his ear: “What are you doing, kid?”


I need it”, Leo explained. He didn't blush more, he couldn't - he was already red as hell. Gary nodded and unbuttoned his own jeans, taking them off. He al;nbsp;

So you let other guys jerk you off?” Gary asked,still stroking him. Leo moaned, nodding. “But they've never fucked you?” Gary kept asking. Leo denied it with his head, and Gary looked then at that ass he was pressing with his own cock. “Then we will have to be gentle... and slow."


I want it”, Leo said, moaning. Gary kissed Leo's neck again.


I have noticed it. Your friend is being pretty clear”, said Gary, and then he pushed Leo gently onto the bed. Before joining him he took off his shirt, and he saw Leo licking his lips looking at him. He also saw Leo's hand, close to Leo's hard cock. “Hey... hands off”, said Gary. Leo whined. Gary looked at him fiercely, and Leo just grabbed the blankets with his hands. Gary sat on Leo's lap, rubbing against him, cock against cock. Leo was moaning louder now, and Gary was panting. He took the lube from the table. When Leo saw it he just asked 'be careful' with his eyes. Gary lubed his fingers and stopped rubbing against Leo – noticing that Leo took profit of that time to breathe. He spread Leo's legs and then slid a finger inside the kid, stroking Leo's cock with his other hand.


Leo was just melting under him.  

Gary made sure that Leo was openedup enough for the second finger. And events for the third, when to Leo WAS Gary Starting to beg and if I Thought That His cock slid inside Did That Kid Would I explode. Then Gary pressed Against Leo's historical front and kissed the kid, rough and hard. Leo Answer the kiss, running His Hands Through Gary's hair. And Then Gary Asked it.


Do you want it?" Gary entre Asked lips and saliva and kisses. Leo WAS nodding fast and hard. "Do you want it?" Asked again Gary. Nodder read more, and Gary slid His fingers out. I Took the lube again and Gave it to Leo.


... Wh ... what? "Leo asked.


Lube me”, Gary said. Leo bit his lip and started to do it, spreading the lube over Gary's cock, panting and licking his lips while doing it. Leo asked with his eyes for Gary's approval, and Gary kissed him again. “Well done...” said Gary. Leo stopped and lay on the bed again. “On all fours,” Gary said then. Leo did it. “I am going to do it”, Gary said. “I am going to fuck you”, he continued saying.


And he slowly pushed his cock inside Leo. Leo was moaning out of pain. Just out of pain. Gary stopped a bit to let Leo get used to it. “It hurts now. It won't hurt in some seconds”, he aXC


... Wow, "Leo said. The WAS night long, and Leo Knew it from Gary's eyes.

******************* Hope you liked it \u0026lt;3