Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Are Bladder Polyps Cancerous Because music makes us dream

Uyyy .. yes, I slow to update. And I've had a few days rather long .. already finished, already finished!, Dawn studying works of the university, and that December is a month very busy, and above all my pc is infected with virus. Thanks Annariel, Tere Celesthia and come to my aid. And as always thanks to Cris to achieve save my pc.
I was behind on me update what I want to share .. but here it is .. long time that it had prepared and just now I could hang. For those who like the music of Mireille Mathieu, for me one of the best singers of his time. Well, is that I am a romantic and I love French music .. Je t'aime France et j'adore votre musique!

Acropolis Adieu:
La Paloma Adieu:
Une femme amoureuse :
Defendu Amour:
The Darniere Valse:
Une Histoire D'amour:
I leave this and therefore I wish you a very happy Litha / Yule to all!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Northface Outlet, New Jersey

Have you noticed? There are still 2 months to Christmas and we're already bombarded with ads ... If the Bible says it: "The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary." So began the Christmas, with an announcement. For me, the miracle is not an angel appeared. The miracle is that they announced a perfume or a nougat. Because Christmas is not announcing anything. Have you noticed that normal ads disappear? What about the Schotch Brite? What Christmas "yes you can be without him?; What hemorrhoids? What? Should we return to suffer in silence?. However, other ads displayed at Christmas, I do not know if it's because we drink alcohol at these parties, but no where to get them: leaves an aunt on a motorcycle, unzips and showing boobs says:
- Seeking to Jacq's ...
But what is that to sell a colony? It's like going to the kiosk, get off his pants and say,
- Give me the paper
I do not want to imagine what it would take to being given the supplement ...
Although, for me, this girl keep looking at Jacq's many years, eh, at least looks well fed, not like others advertised perfumes, all languid and pale women, who have no strength to say the mark "Tresor, Paguio", "Poeme, Paguio", "Anais, Anais, Paguio."

But hey, since when are like the French? Can you imagine one of the aunts try to dump the fruit of our trucks? "Lags naganjas Metegos pog ass, Paguio." And

colmor is that now even the Castilian name perfumes are advertised in French: "Cagolina Heguega." But what about here? Be careful, because as this trend continues we will end up hearing: "Twin, here is tomato ... Paguio." "A little pasta pagui enough ...." Of course, so refined that we have become to some things and we are still rough for others: Catacrás!, Pico! Catacrás!, Pico! And I wonder: Is this

up to Europe? "Catacrás, Picó, catacrás, Picó? Is not it time that this man once you buy almond peeler machine? Enough is enough! And the announcement of The Almond?: "Back, back home for Christmas ..." . And you see a guy on a bike in disguise, gets off the bike and gets cutlaughing at home. Is not it strange that this guy always go with the collar turned up, hiding? Damn, that dude is Jacq's! How will you find each other if every Christmas is hiding in the village! And there is the guy pulling all the holidays, eating nougat. For the nougat is very good. However, it seems that some manufacturers do not want to sell, "1880, the world's most expensive nougat." Well worth ...!

And there the matter ends. There is the Delaviuda nougat. I do not want to raise blisters, but they ask the husband of the widow as she sat nougat ...

To make matters worse, there are other ads that appear to the nougat is addictive. Have you seen the poor children Antiu Xixona? With bulging eyesin a box.
have accessories, change color,
Pídetelos all make me this favor ...
is micromachined, micromachines, Micromachine.
Son of a microwave and Antonio Machin, and if not micromachines, are not authentic. These ads
father catches only one thing: "More than 30 euros." Now notice that rare, "the celebrity dolls." These dolls are directed to the portal to bring the child your love and friendship. " But what love and friendship which will give a doll? What?, What are inflatables? Now I understand why Jesus in the manger is laughing because he is gay!

Finally, analyzing the publicity I can not imagine Christmas as it was announced to him by the angel to Maestuary. The angel would on a bike and say,
- Seeking to Mary.
- Maguire? Oui, c'est moi.
- You'll have a son like cider The Piper: famous in the world.
- And be a good boy?
- Supreme quality
- And where will come, if I am a virgin?
- So where are all of ... Paguio.

of "El Club De La Comedia" of course.

Friday, December 2, 2005

Best Budget Av Receiver Memorial notes

Let them fall here this memorial of notes with my tastes, interests, delights, disappointments .. sharing information or the way in my power to provide my hobbies ... my delusions ... my passions .. my motives ... my emotions.
is to say that more than one has told me that I am part of the dark side, so as to be prevented .. lol. (No kidding!).

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Increasing Muscle Percentage spell_wednesday @ 2005-11-22T19: 03:00

"If you read this, if your eyes go through these lines right now, even if
not speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me.
can be anything, good or bad.

When finished Copy this
little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or horrorízate) with the things people remember you

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

American Lockcombination Recovery A little of Mr. Blake


has a Human Heart And Jealousy a Human Face, Terror the Human Form
Divine, And Secrecy the Human

The Human Dress is forged Iron The Human Form
a fiery Forge, The Human Face
seal'd Furnace, The Human Heart
ist hungry Gorge.

A DIVINE IMAGE Cruelty has a human heart,
and jealousy a human face;
terror the human form divine, secret
and human clothing.

The human clothing is wrought iron,
human form a fiery forge;
the human face a furnace sealed,
human heart its hungry maw.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tibia Map 7.6 Illusion Back

Well, I returned from a mini-vacation without importance that no photos ^ ^. Now is the time to start with the boring routine ... better not think about it.

The good news (for me): These people come to Zaragoza if nothing happens.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

How Do You Get Rid Of Tophi Of Your Knee

Fill and disseminates



1. Who do you angry for the last time?
Me and the rest of the world.
2. What is the weapon of your choice?
Ignoring, of course.
3. "Hit someone of the opposite sex?
depends on the situation.
4. What's hit someone of the same sex?
depends on the situation.
5. Who was the last person that has really pissed at you?
My brother and cat.
6. What is your favorite pet to download?
I have no dog in the download.
7. Are you resentful?
depends on what I have done.


1. Is there anything that you're supposed to do every day but do not you? Much

2. What is the latest time at which you woke up? Well
seven in the evening, I think.
3. Name one person you should have contacted but have not done

Angel 4. What is the latest excuse without feet or heads, easy to find as an excuse, that you have?
I'm too lazy to invent excuses.
5. Have you seen the teleshopping [ultimately] not ever leaving your whole couch or change the channel?

No. 6. When was the last time you made a decent sport?
at school because I was forced.
7. How many times have you stopped toalarm gun today?



1. What is your dearest and pijísima favorite alcoholic beverage?
do not usually drink alcohol.

2. "Carnivore?

No. 3. What is the maximum amount of alcohol you have taken a hit?
not remember, do not usually drink alcohol.

4. Have you ever tried a diet made by a professional? I've never dieted

5. Do you have a score to settle with your weight?
6. What do you prefer: sweet, salty or spiced hot?
salty foods.
7. Have you ever looked at a small animal or child and thought, "lunch"?:
Not really. THE L


1. How many people have you seen naked? [Excluding family, movies or photos]: "Including
nudist beaches?
2. How many people have seen you naked? [Family without doctors]:
3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest once or sex someone package you have chosen to like? An occasional
4. Do you "have done"?
If the question were "not" have done "? shorter answer would be ....
5. What is the body part you like best about a person's sex that you like?
I like the eyes of the world (would that worth?)
6. Did he ever been a prostitute propositions?

No. 7. Have you had the gauntlet[Or have had to go for "your fault"] a pregnancy test? No.

GREED 1. How many credit cards do you have?
2. What is your favorite store to feel guilty? FNAC

3. If you had a million euros, what would you do? Spend

4. What do you prefer: to be rich or famous? Famous

5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant winning a lot of money?
in principle but is not negotiable.
6. How many mp3's on your hard drive?
lot of them.
7. Would you do something you do not like money? I do

PRIDE 1. What is, the things you've created yourself, as qhat makes you feel most proud?
2. What is most proud that your parents feel about you?
I have not the slightest idea.
3. What would you like to achieve in your life? Living it

4. Have you ever participated in a contest of skill, knowing that you were much better than others?

No. 5. Have you ever cheated to get a higher score?

No. 6. What have you done today to make you feel proud?
Nothing yet.
7. Think you're superior to others? No.

ENVY 1. What one thing [or person] of your friends wish that was yours or yours?
Books, CDs, clothes, pet ...
2. How to people will exchange the life?
With anyone I know.
3. If you could be anyone in the world, what would you be?
probably someone famous and important
4. Did you ever cheated your partner?
that I know.
5. Is there anything you'd like to change or add to your body? Quite
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you'd love to have? Sympathy
7. Do you wish I invented this questionnaire? No.

Finally ... What is your favorite deadly sin?

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ski Doo Tundra For Sale 09 Now ... (and I hope it's really good)

Oriens-Warchoski Act on the dining room: "All cats, regardless of their original location, will be present, as close as you can, every table where it is serving food" Law Patterson on disinterestedness " The level of interest of a cat in something, be inversely proportional to the effort that the owner is doing to capture their interest on that thing "

Young Law on sleep:" All cats will sleep with the people who share living space whenever this is possible and the most uncomfortable body position, for these, as possible "

Ondinet-Fachould Act on the random behavior:" All cats always seek and usually find the place more comfortable or otherwise mas incordiante to humans, in a randomly selected stranger room "

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Programming Car Remote Regal

Thanks to some little person I've been without a computer a few days and I lost two gigabytes of data>. \u0026lt;. For that reason I found out yesterday of a Dark Soul Party in the Hell Fire Bar Sinister, which I can never go as that is my destiny.

the end I ran out of that pussy. I just hope they have picked someone who treats you well and look after him (and the way that puts a nice name.) And here's a photo that I can not resize or anything (the photoshop also fell as a hero)

Well, apparently it has not been so bad if the cat made a face rarilla.

Otherwise I've got a pair of sunglasses to help being a vampire in the sun ^. ^.

The truth is I have no desire to write more (and I'm bored) ...

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Woman Reference Images

be do not, at least where I looked.
That's it for today, I think ...

Friday, May 27, 2005

Sample Letter To Send For Destination Weddings

I'm horrible moves. Come on, that instead of wasting time here should be putting clothing in bags, books and records in boxes (I believe that books and records because they breed like roaches did not remember having so many), find all the cat toys (and all are many), throw those useless things that are kept "just in case" and leave a pasillito amid all this in order to navigate. Will that be true that one does not know you have many things until you move. In short: I have a lot to do but I have no desire and it hurts me most of the body. It also has the invaluable help of the cat that took boxes and takes things to hide. Well, I'll see if misleading someone to help me.
By the way, it's hot!