Sunday, November 28, 2010

Symptoms Of Aspiration In Dogs

[info] comes a time in everyone's life where one has to ask what they are doing. What he has done. What do you want to do. There comes a time in the life of every person you have to look back, looking forward, and step forward to begin to follow a path that has long stagnated. - But Gaz ... - Tries to tell David. David tries to understand Gary, Gary David tries to reflect and understand.
- No - says Gary. Hang no time to David to say a word. May repent, pl Phil are still laughing London accent that such "Beckham."

- Nothing - Ryan answered with a half smile and giving him a pat on the back to Gary.

- Ry - Gary insists, stubborn as himself. Ryan shakes his head with a smile, and support your arm on the shoulder of Gary. Gary does not understand anything. He Becks (uh, this, Beckham) has fallen well. [info] *** Ryan is fucking sick of everything. Tired of the fucking David Beckham andien and Gary Ryan confirmed when he hangs up. "It's a fucking kid," Ryan thinks. He calls.

- Let go, asshole - says Ryan.
- Vale - Gary replied, dry. Ryan wants to ask if it is okay, but it does not. It does not because he knows he should not. ***

- Want to come for a drink? - Gary asked, while just changed. He did not even look. Why is inviting Dav ... Beckham with them? Phil kills him. Who cares what they say the cocoon of his brother? "Whyto is that David smiles from the other side of the table when he believes that Gary does not.


not see a movie. As Ryan gets home from Gary both come to the couch and before he could not even ask what movie will see, Gary's is sitting on the couch. Gary does not speak (one of the few times that Gary keeps his big mouth shut), Ryan just sits on the couch and curls up beside her. Looking for something to grab onto.

- Gaz ... - Ryan begins. Gary shakes his head. Ryan nods slowly, and stay that way. The side by side.

Ryan knows that in part has luck. That while David is the one that will always be in the heart of Gary (his best friend, the obsession of her youth, her lover for over ten years) he can see that corner of Gary not many people can. He can see that Gary than at any time will tell what happens, what made you call him, what David has done this time.

- Ryan ... - Gary starts.

- Dime - continues Ryan. Sometimes it seems that Gary was mentally in the fifteen years and then let demasiado (a relief since she can not cook). When just called, again with Gary.

- I've left because I could not more, Ryan - Ryan explains Gary when he sits back down at his side. Ryan does not ask for explanations, expected to be those of Gary. Gary just have to wait a bit. - I know he loves me. But I can not.

And when it seems that Gary is going to break, Ryan hugs him. ***

- Turn off the light whore fucking - Gary complains from his single bed. Concentration with the team. Sharing a room (as always). But ashe received the night before David.

"Ry cares

Gaz. Thanks "

. ***

Only use one of the two beds. They sleep cuddled. They kiss, caress, touch, fuck and sleep cuddled. That night, just before falling asleep, whispering ever so slightly Gary


I love you."


David, with his nose in the nape of Gary, answered a:


I love you tooresponse. He does not want.

- Well, it must entertain with my voice - says Gary. Ryan looks surprised - no I took it. - Gary goes to him. A lot. Ryan can not even move. Gary kisses him. Ryan after a few seconds of doubt returns the kiss. When intensified, Ryan split.

- I will not be his replacement, I'm not David - says Ryan. Gary Mount expected the stunt to say that you know that it is no substitute. But as usual, Gary's temperament is unpredictable.

- you asshole - says Gary. He gets up and walks toward the door. Solo cureadings and comments:) \u0026lt;3


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